[Log entry 4]

Studying this planet, I found out some amazing things…

Since long forgotten times, this rock has had a substantial amount of water covering around 70% of it’s surface. These bodies of water are salt water. Oceans and seas harbour an impressive amount of different species lurking around both the surface and the darkest depths. Life itself here, began sprouting from the oceans billions of years ago. The standard model speaks of this „start of life” from the oceans, going towards the land….’the primordial soup’. Many of the spieces developed, dwell and thrive in salt waters.The logical train of thought would suggest that basically, if a species comes out of salt water, it would naturally still be able to survive in, on and around it. This young species of abnormal mamals, regardless of it’s ancestry, is completely dependent on bodies of fresh water (sweet water). These bodies of fresh water comprise of lakes, rivers, underground rivers/springs.Without these lesser abundant bodies of water, at least 50% of the land dwelling species, from the lower to the superior ones, would simply die. So, for the sake of theory, let’s say this species did in fact evolve from a form of lesser primate, as the most famous idea suggests. In the given case, one would look for remanants of those specific characteristics. So lets begin with numbering some of the main flaws inside this theory. Lets call this species species X and the one it evolved from species Y.

  1. Species Y, given it’s environment was a natural born hunter with natural born hunting abilities. It’s body evolved in such way that it would provide the basic protection against dangers in it’s environment, such as microbial life, small and large predators and weather. It’s body would digest a certain type of food, having a certain type of enzymes in it’s digestive system. It would have longer or shorter fur, in order for it to be protected against certain types of insects and bugs. It would have predator sensory perception and strength matching the environmental challenges. 
  2.  Y begins to migrate over long distances. Why? Given the fact that it’s environment and food are suitable, and everything is provided for, what would make a predator migrate? Does something happen to the environment and the members of species Y are „pushed” towards another land? Does it’s food migrate and they follow?
  3. How does species Y turn into species X? Given it changes the environment, it adapts more or less depending on the conditions, and with it new microbial life forms have an impact on the biological system, thus increasing the chance of mutation. Given it changes food sources, it means it changes the enzymes which enters the biological system. Therefore, it has, yet another chance to mutate. Now, gathering these two main concepts, we must take into consideration the element if time, because all these mutations and changes need to happen at a certain pace, otherwise the Y species might die off…or mutate into a different species than X. 

[To be continued…]

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